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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Woman, not girl. I’m an adult and expect to be treated as such.

    I feel no pressure to respond to aggression with physical violence. I recently sat through two friends (men) talking about how they feel too old to fight but if a strange guy were to roll up to them under certain conditions, they would have “no choice” but to physically fight them. I have never felt the need to physically fight a woman who disagreed with me. I would consider it a win and a good reflection on me if I could deescalate or remove myself from the situation.

    Most other things I can think of are a double edged sword. Like being seen as a “girl” instead of a fully functioning, self-sufficient woman is usually a negative, but I can twist it in my favor to avoid things sometimes. I see other people commenting about women being able to interact with children without being seen as a potential pedophile, but that only comes because society expects women to do all the child-carrying.

  • I’m pretty darn explicit when I invite a person over to help with beer what it will entail; lots of cleaning, wear comfy clothes that can get wet and dirty, there will be heat and weird smells, and a small amount of physical labor. Still want to come? Cool. If not? Swing by in 4-6 weeks to enjoy a beer with me after it’s fermented and carbonated.

    And I never invite more than one, maybe two people. Anymore than that and folks are just standing around, unable to participate. If you have a genuine interest in teaching on your end, and a genuine interest to learn from a friend or two, I would recommend changing your approach to how you plan these events and try again. It sounds fun but one-teaching-a-group sounds like very challenging logistics.

  • If a friend invited me over and they launched into an unsolicited cooking lesson, I would think they are a pretentious twat, lol. There’s always context of course, but I’m not looking for friends who push their knowledge on me without my invitation.

    Mutual interests, or expressed interest to learn more in either direction, groovy. One way info dumping, nope.

    Listen I brew beer. It can get kinda repetitive and boring. Sometimes I invite friends over to keep me company and I don’t lecture on sanitization and chemistry because that’s not what they came for. The occasional friend does want to learn about brewing, they express that wish, and then I explain some things to them. Some friendships are good for the former, some for the latter, and it’s on you to navigate which is which.