In the event of the transition, television will be promoted heavily. This particular community, moviesandtv has clearly seen better days. I used communities to promote ObscureMusic and quidlupled its activity (going from like 30 subscribers to over 165), and have had other people posting due to this.
In this case, its automation. It’s also a partial response to Reddits ineffectual moderator system. No-one is gunna spend all day monitoring comments from trolls and spammers on basic communities usually flooded with comments. I can’t see anyone especially truly engaged to do so in (for example, and I have no idea if these communities do this) in r/aww or r/pics or r/jokes or r/videos, which are just pretty basic subreddits that aren’t really hobbyist.
Whereas say, r/AskHistorians or some video game community or a music subgenre community likely will by their hobbyist nature attract more engaged moderators.