Every (classic… I haven’t seen most of the new ones) series has an episode based on Enemy Mine, and this is TNG’s.
If you haven’t seen Enemy Mine, it’s very much worth a watch. Maybe a bit dated but it’s very good.
Every (classic… I haven’t seen most of the new ones) series has an episode based on Enemy Mine, and this is TNG’s.
If you haven’t seen Enemy Mine, it’s very much worth a watch. Maybe a bit dated but it’s very good.
I have fewer issues with the jellyfin app on my TV than I do with literally any of the streaming apps on the same television. My only gripe with jellyfin is there’s no PS5 app.
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More likely than not, these animals were already selecting for those traits before humans got directly involved. Following nomadic humans around is a great way to find an easy meal, especially considering humans and wolves were competing for the same resources, animals that caused problems for those humans would likely have been killed or driven away at the very least.
Cats self domesticated. Which suggests their natural behavior isn’t far removed from what we’d expect from domestic animals.
Dogs were selectively domesticated from some pleistocene species of wolf, from which the modem Gray Wolf also descended. Probably due to initially also exhibiting some of those traits naturally.
It’s very surreal seeing a screen cap that could have been taken from your phone, but definitely wasn’t.
I sent her my prized collection of shoelaces.
I bumped in to a guy at work the other day, he was in the building as a vendor, so not an employee of my company.
He’d stopped what he was doing to rant and rave about politics to some poor soul he’d happened upon here in the building who was clearly just humoring him.
This guy was parroting everything Trump had said to the letter. As every word from that guy’s mouth was some golden truth.
That’s a third of the country. People like that. Completely lost to ideology, incapable of independent thought. Proud that Trump is winning so hard all the time, and he is, of course, because he says he is.
I would like to contribute labor to developing a discord alternative.
I also don’t know shit about fuck. Is this not something that can be made open source?
In my experience, jellyfin seems to think everything is anime for some reason.
I’ve had to go in to every single TV series and manually enter Metadata.
Not a huge deal I only have a few series’ but man it’s weird.
I’ve done it.
I am happier. Literally one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
The powder coat is the enamel. It’s a ceramic powder that’s sprayed on and then cooked in a furnace.
You have etched it. That, I am sorry to say, is permanent. If you have access to a furnace you could try refiring it, a few minutes at 1500 f would do it, if it can be done at all. You’ve basically turned a smooth glass layer in to a kind of sponge. You need to melt that outer surface again.
When I was a kid in Yahoo chat rooms… I saw things man.
These kids don’t know.
Well the 4chan kids know but these normal kids don’t know.