I’m thinking of becoming a Haruhi fan. Does this basically mean it’s like Black Mirror or the Twilight Zone?
I’m thinking of becoming a Haruhi fan. Does this basically mean it’s like Black Mirror or the Twilight Zone?
Did you put in a request for this? And sure, I’m always interested in seeing how others use it—especially to complex levels.
This was such an insane read. Kudos to you for your efforts! I guess I’ve gotta check for posts tomorrow morning, haha.
Or this is a quiet masterclass in marketing. Hmm…
Its .YML formatting is really clunky. It feels like it takes up twice as much line space as .AHK (for example), which can do a lot of this kind of stuff in a single line. But I wanna go cross-platform and this is all I can find…
Oh. I thought we were talking about being aligned so you’re not sticking out in depth on one side or the other, a.k.a. lining up your side mirrors.
I don’t understand why they’d have to be adjacent; it’s not like we suddenly go blind just because there’s 1 car’s distance between us and our target, haha.
Anyone sharing their feel good stories here would be practicing false virtue out of definition
This is an anonymous board, though…
as ‘good’ actions or themselves as good people for doing them.
What is wrong with “good” simply meaning that we believe the world would be a better place if other people did it, too? Common sense does not necessarily equate to some kind of sense of moral superiority.
But I would personally at least put a car’s gap away to eliminate the possibility of damage from door-opening…
that I won’t sit on
Because they’re dirty or something?
Crap. Craaaaaaaap…
As in, I guess I’d better get back on there, huh? Man…
I can only feel confidence and control if I have a solid, well-reasoned belief that I can succeed and my actions are meaningful.
But you have to stop assuming that these things are working against you this strongly. Maybe the evidence is there through other people’s rejections, even if some made it point-blank to you. But for me personally, mobility challenges (assuming these are what you mean) are not a reason for me to not consider someone; in fact, they’re irrelevant relative to, as you so well-worded it, “anyone who shares [your] values.”
So there you have it: I’m proof that there’s more out there for you than “blind hope.” I don’t have a completed success story for you as I myself continue to quietly look for a lovely lady, but am sort of giving up (but not because of a personal physical challenge!).
We are not here because we want to help you
“We?” Maybe you, but don’t speak for me nor probably others here; part of my reason for being on social media (or “content aggregators” for the anonymous boards like this, I suppose) is precisely to help people figure out their own interesting situations, for my own simultaneous curiosity, learning, and life fulfillment.
How did they meet, if you know?
No one even feels greatful for the good I do.
Who, exactly? Be specific. You are most likely helping the wrong crowd. Even Jesus said to not give pearls to swine, therefore implying that not everyone is swine. Spend time and efforts wisely.
Oh, that’s because Reddit must never be browsed using anything other than:
Avoid New Reddit (www) at all costs! It’s a life-changing experience.
What exactly are you searching for, though? I do subreddit-specific searches to begin with. If people happen to have not discussed the topic, then I simply make a new post about it, either here or there.
Which brand? My IKEA Morgedal (now superseded by some other name) has been incredible.
Which password manager do you use? I would hope KeePass would detect it.