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Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • To be fair, calling them “wings” was to my knowledge more about linking them to how chicken wings as a dish were prepared and presented than a statement on where the meat came from on the bird.

    I don’t know much about this case in particular but it fits into a long pattern of activist conservative judges basically legislating from the bench to protect business interests. So it’s unsurprising that one of them would basically say “no one actually believes the wing part, so there’s no reason for them to believe the boneless part either, and therefore there’s no liability if there are bones in the product.”

  • I mean asexual doesn’t necessarily imply aromantic and vice versa. I don’t really think you need your own desire to have sex with someone to be able to tell they’re hitting on you right? A ton of lesbians regularly have to deal with men trying to get in their pants. I just take it one step further and don’t really want to have sex with anybody on my own.

  • I’m so oblivious that I wouldn’t even get to the step of overanalyzing the lyrics. I would have just thought “Oh they think I’d like this song? Let’s check it out,” and that’s it.

    I’m so oblivious that multiple times my partner tried to initiate sex by trying to make out and get handsy with me and I completely missed it. If it’s not explicit “You. Me. Bed. Now,” level direct then like 95% of the time I miss it.

    One day my partner got so frustrated with my obliviousness that she asked me flat out if I was asexual or something. I had no idea what that was but turns out yes, yes I am.

    Funniest thing to me though. When it’s directed at me, then I’m totally oblivious. But if my partner sees an attractive woman out and about and starts visibly thirsting even a little I can tell immediately.

  • I personally don’t think so. It’s more a gender thing than a body looks thing. I’m nonbinary but I haven’t been able to pursue transition for health reasons. So I still look like a cis male. I’m 6’2" tall, my shoulders are wide enough that I legitimately have to walk sideways through some doors to keep from shoulder checking a wall. I’m just large and don’t like being reminded that most everyone that sees me just sees a man.

  • Most likely just awkward rounding when the screenshot was taken. A lot of the time those post age indicator tags just count the number of hours between it and you then each multiple of 24 is a day without caring about when the actual date changes. So the first could easily have been at like 7pm one day and the second like 11am the next day and they’d both get abbreviated at 6 days ago if you were looking at it at like 4pm when you haven’t quite hit the next multiple of 24 hours.