Are you using the web player or the iOS app? There is the official ABS app or Plappa as a third party app.
Are you using the web player or the iOS app? There is the official ABS app or Plappa as a third party app.
There are case fans with a temperature sensor. They already control the speed themselves depending on the measurement. The only thing they need is 12V.
For example the Arctic F12 TC.
I always liked the idea of the small Lenovo ThinkEdge Servers, I just never had a usecase. Maybe these would work for you.
That red dot should disappear if you disable iCloud (yes, it is different from not setting it up… it is not good, but you can get rid of it)
Thanks for the heads-up. I am running homebox on my system and didn’t know that it was archived.
They are doing it to get attention. Because there is not enough attention on climate change.
And mergerFS
Mm it seems to have existed until around 2020 in Croatia… kind of sad that it just vanished.
In which country are you that doesn’t have a pirate party?
Multiple parties are against it, yes. But the pirate party has a prominent focus on privacy topics and net neutrality, more than any other party.
The far right won’t help you here. Vote for the pirate party, they care about privacy.
I guess it was supposed to be “flat” and autocorrect got in the way.
Windows LTSC ftw.
Cloudflare is not the source…
In the article it says it is 5% of their global revenue each day. That is a lot of money, I have no doubt that they will fix it.
It is already used in porn. I have heard that there is at least one quite active Lemmy community about it.
Ha, interesting. I buy my harddrives second hand. They are backed up. If one fails, I swap in a new one. I don’t care if my server is down for a day. That’s what my backup Pi-hole is for.
In one go? Look at Wormhole
But both ends must stay online until it is complete.
A task could also be, carrying a box from point A to point B. Walk back, repeat. is in this error state since quite a while now (over a month). The web interface does not work anymore, but connecting through an app still works (I use voyager for example). Most people have migrated away from to I will do the same at some point, I just didn’t have the time yet.