The local Finnish Lemmy community is hosted on /c/
I don’t know how well the server is prepared to handle a large number of users, but seems like an appropriate place for a Finnish language community. I think /u/ is the instance owner.
Well, I’ve successfully used LSP for Sublime Text before. Would probably still use it if I hadn’t transitioned to Neovim recently.
Don’t know if it’ll cover all your use cases, but I was looking for something similar and recently got my hands on a Steam Deck. Have been very pleased with the purchase so far. To be fair, I haven’t gotten into customizing the desktop yet, but I’m sure anything’s achievable since it’s just running Arch.
I blame the success of neoliberalism (perhaps confusingly, a distinctly conservative project driven by the likes of Reagan and Thatcher). Ever-widening wealth gaps and focus on individual responsibility for solving problems seems to have created an environment where people will jump on just about any bandwagon that tells them they’re inherently better than others. Unfortunately, evil will keep winning as long as there’s enough support (or indifference) for evil to keep winning.