Hello community, I’m excited to share the latest updates on Tempo, the open-source music client for Subsonic, after some time.

This release includes the following improvements (full changelog here):

  • ALAC codec support: Thanks to the Media3 FFmpeg module, you can now enjoy ALAC files seamlessly.
  • Continuous playback: Enjoy uninterrupted music with the new continuous play feature.
  • Local server address: You can now add a local server address, and Tempo will use it when available, giving you more flexibility.
  • Version control and update dialog: For those using the Github flavor, the app now checks for updates and prompts you when a new version is available.

Tempo remains free and open-source, created for the community, by the community. I would like to thank the 1230+ people who have starred the project on Github — your support is truly appreciated!

The app is available for download on both F-Droid and Github, with Github being the preferred option.

I would like to apologize for the delay in this release. The progress has been slowed down due to issues with server space, the breakdown of my development phone, and my daily job commitments.

As always, if you appreciate the work that has gone into Tempo, please consider starring the project on Github and making a donation to help cover development costs and expenses. Your contributions help sustain the project and show your support for the work being done.

Thank you for your support!

  • Railcar8095@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    Local server address??? This is what I have wanted the most for a long time. Great app, I’ll take the update ASAP.

    Really, thanks. Great app.