Have I went overboard? Any suggestions? Or help? I travel a lot and don’t have a lot of time when I am home to setup and configure.

I’m using Cloudron on Linode for some things because I have StarLink and haven’t figured out how to connect via internet to my LAN yet. I can use VPN with the router but it seems wonky.


2 Raspberry Pi’s with DNS servers

Raspberry Pi with HomeAssistant

Separate NVR for cameras

Several Docker containers on one of NAS

A Raspberry Pi with DietPi. a 1TB attached drive and Docker Containers.

Cloudron on Linode for when I’m away from home.

  • vividspecter@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    IIRC you can do the DNS challenge part, but you still wouldn’t be able to access it remotely. But you could use Tailscale for that, or Headscale on your VPS. You could also put a wireguard server on your VPS.