I am on Mint XFCE and Redshift is just so inconsistent and I have tried its forks, also inconsistent. So instead I have been using sct in the terminal to adjust the temperature, and have set a command that resets it back to normal every time that I log on. However, I was wondering if there is a way to make it so that “sct 2750” runs every day at 10 pm or during a specific period of time.
Edit: I figured out the solution which was to create a crontab with the following line in it: 0 22 * * * env DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority /usr/bin/sct 2750
This would be a really good task for ChatGPT. It can write the script for you and teach you how it works.
You can edit the crontab with the following command
crontab -e
if you want to edit the root crontabEdit: You guys need to start using AI. It’s not going anywhere, and you’ll see how dumb it really is after like 5 minutes.
Yeah, a great way to get something that doesn’t quite work right.
For these kind of common oneliners ChatGPT is pretty close to perfect. The answer it gives is in fact exactly identical to what OP has in their “Edit:”.
Probably because they both took it straight from the same StackOverflow answer.
BingChat does that a lot due to using Bing search results, ChatGPT isn’t big enough to reproduce exact answer, it actually understand the underlying concepts.
ChatGPT does not actually understand things.
Apparently, neither do humans taking about AI. Just parroting stuff there heard else where.
They came to this place to get an answer from a person with firsthand experience, not to be told to ask an AI
I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you’ve never used ChatGPT for anything. It’s much better than talking to a real person. You should try it someday.
These are some of the things I’ve used it for in the past week:
I’m well aware of its capabilities and it can do a lot, undoubtedly. I just imagine that if they’re going to a social media site to ask a question the goal is to have a person give them advice rather than being told to take the question elsewhere.
But it is what it is, my reply wasn’t meant to be a diss on ChatGPT, it’s a cool tool. Just personal preference at the end of the day. For some things I could see myself using ChatGPT for convenience, for other things where I’m not so hellbent on saving time I find it much more fulfilling to research and gain a better understanding through my own searches or from interacting with others and getting different human perspectives on a topic.
Don’t care, didn’t ask