*shows meme to my Unix Sysops dad*
“I did that once. …. Don’t look at me like that. It was on purpose. Strangest feeling.”
I’ve done that! Also sudo chmod -R 777 /
I don’t remember why, just that I was desperate and nothing else worked. That also didn’t work.Also did that once. Luckily only on a testing VM for my own stuff.
how does rm -rf /* not send you into a parallel universe by deleting the very ground you’re standing on?
Who says it doesn’t?
Wait a minute, that legendary hotdog car is destroyed? What happened?
They have a fleet of them. Here’s the “traveling weiners” that are in a different city each week: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2013/07/08/business/08adco/08adco-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale
Plus they have a few that stay in one city and appear at events
It’s all right, I’ll just copy over a new stage 3 and update grub, should be fine
RIP weinermobile 😭
I’m almost sure there’s more than one of them.
Heh, Linuxy wiener memes