I appreciate the help, I did use dconf editor but I haven’t manually cleared these out and updated dconf I’ll try this out, worst case GDM is still busted.
I appreciate the help, I did use dconf editor but I haven’t manually cleared these out and updated dconf I’ll try this out, worst case GDM is still busted.
I honestly just wish there was some really good GDM docs I could find to make it easy to reset it to default.
Like how I used GDM-Settings on Pop_OS without knowing GDM-Settings is for OLD gdm, and now I have to use LightDM because I can’t find the config files that are broken in GDM that cause it to have no styling and be black font with trails anytime something moves?
(and yes I have reinstalled it, gnome-shell, pop-theme, etc even with forcing dpkg to re-write over config files. I’ve manually gone through and deleted config files and reinstalled to redownload them, I cannot get GDM back to even default GDM let alone the pop version.)
I just wish someone was making half decent 3rd party hardware to use with Clone Hero thats NOT over $60.
Heres a programming (merge sort?) trick applied to troubleshooting GPOs: turn off half the policies in the GP, did the issue go away? if yes its in the turned off half, if no, turn off another half of the active policies, repeat
Update, I have made GDM unusable (not just broken styling), progress!