On Arch+KDE Plasma it’s nearly perfect for me with a RTX 3070
Well snap itself isn’t proprietary, the backend server distributing the snaps is.
Qemu can emulate one architecture on another. And qemu-user can be used to run a single userspace-program on a different architecture.
Maybe something like Elvish or Nushell could be worth a look. They have a lot of similarities to classic shells like bash, but an improved syntax and more powerful features. Basically something in between bash and Python. Not sure about disk footprint or general availability/portability though
Beethoven has been real quiet since this dropped 🔥💯
DRM = Direct Rendering Manager, not Digital Rights Management here
Fixed most of my problems with Nvidia+Wayland. I still have to keep the explicit sync patched Xwayland around until it gets a new release, but other than that it works nearly flawless.
Arch already shipped Plasma 6 for a while. Doesn’t translate directly to Manjaro though, due to their different way of handling updates.
river is awesome
My favourite is foot. Minimal, fast, easy to configure. Wayland-only though
what is bro on about 💀
What you’re referring to as Linux is in fact GNU/Linux or, as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU+Linux
Nah it’s funny like this. And the voice and music choice are basically tradition for these videos at this point lol