Just because a cable like that blows y’alls fuses?!
Just because a cable like that blows y’alls fuses?!
I feel you, brother. Come on over and crack a nice and sparkly 9v with me.
I got to backpedal a little here. This is the file: https://www.printables.com/de/model/163302-worlds-best-css-developer-trophy I mixed it up with this one, which is actually a joke about misbehaving 3d printers: https://www.printables.com/de/model/195629-3d-printing-trophy-layer-shifting
Knowing the original model, that’s less funny than the OG one.
Oh, you actually believed that story? Whoops. Sorry! It was actually me who ate your Cheetos and downed your Vodka.
It doesn’t. It will require you to reboot for every god-damned line of code that has changed.
Na, nothing. Did an update today. Nothing bad happened at al, Because why would it?
Many of the machines in question will have safe mode walled off for security reasons anyway.
But you are only allowed to report things that seem important to Americans in any community that might be visited by Americans. Come on, everybody knows that.
I got a toddler at home. I’m very familiar with their product range :P
In a country that has neither got anything to do with Trump nor with the shooting… Someone needs to pamper a certain voter demographic, I’d say
Just dont take ibuprofen for every little thing and you should be good.
Yeah, the old internet was rotten to the core.
No. I like to watch the world burn. Rules are for dummies!
They’ve got no time to post because they’re busy watching all the things they want without taking on another job to pay for another dozen or so subscriptions.
sadly, no. Anticheat Systems are designed to be paranoid as fuck. So even some readout of the hardware used that WINE handles a tad differently than Windows might trip it.