Same here.
Daily driver is a mac but I always use a desktop Linux machine at home.
Same here.
Daily driver is a mac but I always use a desktop Linux machine at home.
The paintshop job with the letters is awesome.
deleted by creator
Why is it that every man with shit loads of money derails sooner or later? Do they need to be told “no” more often?
Musk = Dumbass
Too late, we already know they are war criminals.
Thank you for your sacrifice. It will not be forgotten.
You, kind sir, deserve a reward.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Amazing way to approach it!
Just a wee bit afraid there would be just porn left after applying the “subscribe to me” rule 😉
I was an avid nginx user but having caddy handle the ssl certificate creation and renewal is amazing.
I probably am outdated on nginx (maybe it supports it?) but caddy is what I use from here on out.
Don’t know what it is in this thread. “It did not work for you so you must have done something wrong”?
See my thread where some dude says it should just work (when he is just doing LTS kernel updates only and not updating in general).
Comments simply blaming the user based on their limited usecase are hardly constructive.
Bleeding edge in Debian? I was not even using the “testing” release of Debian.
If your point is that it’s fine for a company to get their stuff out there in a timely fashion, that company just sucks balls in my opinion.
Just FYI I am perfectly fine with you having your workarounds and (apparently different) opinion.
I expected some basic civility and more constructive tone of words. But if you start blaming me as a user for something basically ALL other vendors are coping with just fine, thats where the discussion stops with me.
I am definitely not against linux (daily user myself). And honestly, people like you don’t make Linux more attractive of an option.
Have a good one.
To be honest, i dont know.
It was some years ago. But the pain remains 😉
You have adapted your way of working around the fact that it can break:
I call that way of not updating “annoying” and insecure IMO.
Other vendors don’t have this issue.
My conclusion: steer clear of Nvidia.
Well, every kernel update is overstated maybe, but I had my fixed workflow of dropping to text mode and reinstalling the latest drivers from vendor, which is annoying as hell.
Dropped the card after meddling about for almost a year. Been using Linux since slackware was still hip & happening.
I’ll interpret this as “it worked for you”. It did not work for me.
Too much glue damages the brain