Some of us were smart enough to not be making enough to make such a stupid decision.
Some of us were smart enough to not be making enough to make such a stupid decision.
I can’t reach the mute button, managed to get the volume just low enough I can only hear it in the quiet times.
When are we getting the one where he admits to cannibalism?
As someone who never expected to become a gym rat I second this.
I started lifting as a purely whimsical decision with a mate and some dumbbells in his backyard.
I’ve now been a powerlifter for 6 years (minus a year due to work related injury) and it’s truly my happy place, am I sad? (Stronger) Am I angry? (Stronger) Am I happy? (You guessed it, stronger).
Not only does lifting grow your body, but also your mind. I may have permanent function loss, but I work around it, and I’m building back (slowly) and stronger than before.
Hardest part is getting started, followed by keeping with it.
My DMs are also open to those who are unsure where/how to start.
I’m coast-born but live inland, can’t remember my last beach trip, likely overdue …
Peace pipe or death sentence, either way, someone has a good time.
Yeah baby, yeah you piece of shit.
Time to bomb Israel so they can empathize with the people they’re oppressing.
I thought exactly the same thing, as previously though, I was willing to swallow the $8 (at the time) in order to use my tablet for coding (may as well be a laptop running android tbh).
That’s fucked up, it was $8AUD when I got it like a year ago. Fuckin corpos and their price hikes.
I was happy to swallow it to code on the go, but I only used it for a few weeks. Sometimes I lay in bed to code though so I can watch TV as well (never mind all the errors I make as a result).
I’ve got a Lenovo P11, goes pretty well on a charge, and VSCode is available on android, haven’t used it much as I almost always code at home now.
I was going to say something along similar lines, once the borders are ordered shut, you’ll have a much harder time getting out of dodge, not impossible, but much, much harder.
Yep, assuming this new service lasts that long. Could be a year or less.
I fuck up on the regular, should I be concerned about my karma scores in regards to exclaiming “ah, fuck” or classics such as “good job fuckknuckle”?
Tldr: J-10 pulled a dick move, helicopter made a turn, journalists had a slow day.
As someone who’s done shift work the overwhelming majority of their career, fatigue is worse than being drunk.
30hr sleep debt has you feeling horrible, struggling to focus, 40hr sleep debt has you acting drunk, feeling worse and bordering on dozing off.
I had a week long caffeine withdrawal once due to not realizing how hard I was leaning on caffeine to get through each day. Week off came around, stopped all the coffees and spent most of my week of sweating bullets, shaking and in pain. Never again.
I’m glad we’re on an island in the middle of nowhere now, however note it is basically the same propaganda machine over here, with a relatively similar proportion of morons that believe everything they’re told.